Senseless Women, March 2020
A "bewitching and macabre debut"
-Publishers Weekly (starred review)
The dead commingle with the living in these stories, the animate with the inanimate, the mythic with the literal, the comedic with the grave. Vibrant, wounded, bewildered people somehow find their way through the carnival of twenty-first century America—land of Dino-golf and Slip-and-Slide and vending machines and Zoinks. Senseless Women is a marvel.
author, I Was Trying To Describe What It Feels Like
In Wallman’s bewitching and macabre debut collection, women intent on changing their realities contend with violence and manipulation....Wallman’s incisive writing and bold choices make this memorable and worthwhile.
starred review
The stories in Senseless Women are sharp, often pushing at the edges of reality to highlight the delightful absurdities of contemporary life. Just when you think you have this collection nailed down, it offers an unexpected pivot or yet another heartbreakingly perfect sentence.
With a delightful sense of variety and a wry sense of humor, Sarah Harris Wallman expertly maps out the madness, joy, and complexities of belonging. The book’s take on culture and identity makes it feel simultaneously classic and modern.
Above all, the stories collected in this book help explain why the author has won so many awards. I'm glad to see her propelled onto a national stage at just the right moment in history
author, Impossible Children
Being a woman is no walk in the park in this debut collection of intricately plotted, sometimes fabulist stories.
Women suffer, Wallman suggests, whether because they're concerned mothers, jealous lovers, or dieting wives. Sometimes men are the source of this pain, but often women are to blame...when Wallman hews closer to realism, she shows off her considerable talent for expressing things dangerously thorny and fiercely true.

I'm a fictioneer who was born in Arkansas, grew up in Nashville, got a degree in Charlottesville, VA and another in Pittsburgh. I've lived in Glastonbury, UK and New York City. Bits of all these places wind up in my fiction and though I loved them all, I now live in New Haven, CT. It's not bad either. I've only been robbed at gunpoint once.